Hi, I am Nella

I am a weird, mystical misfit.

Kindness is my religion.

And helping you live your truth

is my passion!
The first time the “happy life” I created didn’t work,
I assumed I was too young and didn’t know what I was doing

I felt trapped in my relationship with the wrong guy and working in a job that drained my energy, lost and frustrated! I left my business, my first husband, and my country to do it right this time. I ended up recreating the whole “happy life” again and didn’t see a way out.

I started looking for answers in spiritual teachings – Yoga, Tao, and Kabbalah

They brought much self-discovery and growth. But, every time I returned from a spiritual pilgrimage or retreat, I would feel the gap between my vision for my life and my current reality even more painfully. Knowing I needed to heal, I dove deep into coaching, energy medicine, aromatherapy, and bodywork — hugely supportive tools I still use daily. After the movie The Secret came out, I signed up for every Manifesting Abundance course I could find!

Let me tell you what I learned in all of that searching: 

No one-size-fits-all manifesting abundance program can create the lasting transformation I needed to heal my relationship with myself and my life.

It wasn’t until I dove deep beneath the “high vibe” surface and found a tangle of subconscious beliefs that were at the root of my struggles that things began to shift.

Deep down, our subconscious just wants to keep us safe and enough, and it is terrified of change.
It has immense generative power!
We cannot white-knuckle ourselves into a “high vibe.”
We cannot plaster positive affirmations over the subconscious beliefs driving our emotions, actions, and ultimately, our results. It just doesn’t work! Only by working with our subconscious safely and powerfully can we create a significant and lasting impact no matter the presenting issue. Often in a relatively short time.

Today, I feel safe, loved, and taken care of.
I don’t always know what the future holds but
I enjoy the suspense and the adventures life brings.
I live my life and make my choices out of freedom.
I feel grateful, excited, and orgasmic about my life most days.
And nobody can take that away.
Let me help you live your life on your terms!
Click here to book your free call >
Fun fact:
We use the same words to describe money as we use to describe our emotional world – trust, bond, security, depression.

We create various trusts and put our money into the safe because we want to trust that our loved ones and we will be safe.
We invest in ourselves to feel like we are finally enough in our never-enough society. We say we feel spent when we are tired.

In our culture, we have these stories that “money is the root of all evil,” but really, it doesn’t have any inherent quality. It’s completely neutral. And that is what makes money such an excellent example for us. Like a white screen in a movie theater, we project all of our shadow material – our fears, feelings of not being enough or somehow being wrong — onto our ideas of money. Money makes the film our subconscious mind is playing so easy to see.

And even though we may not see it as clearly in other areas of our life, our subconscious projects our reality. 

When we make our subconscious conscious, we can change it and the movie of our life it creates.

We transform our relationship with ourselves and our life, and our ability to feel safe and enough allows us to live our lives on our terms.

Let’s talk >

Making subconsious conscious all day every day